Medyear - Transformative Healthcare Projects    


This New-York based tech company connects over 700,000 U.S. patients to their healthcare provider via the Medyear app. Raising over $2 million in investments, this tech startup is quickly becoming a healthtech leader.

Project brief

To establish itself as a leader in the mobile and online healthcare segments, Medyear needed a web and mobile app that securely connected patients to their doctors. TechCells provided a dedicated mobile team to help them achieve their goal.

  • No infrastructure invesment.
  • Reduce time spent on recruitment.
  • Eliminated cost of having in-house employees.
  • Meeting each and every project deadline.
  • Execution of utmost operational efficiency.
  • They have skills & experience.


The TechCells web developers that were part of Medyear’s dedicated team helped construct a secure web application that protected, facilitated, and encouraged doctor-patient interaction. In hiring TechCells, Medyear was able to save time on recruitment and eliminate the cost of onboarding in-house employees.

Popular tags

  • UI/UX
  • Web
  • Web design
  • Software development

Tech stack

  • C#
  • MS SQL Server
    MS SQL Server
  • Bootstrap


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We're delighted with our partnership with TechCells. They've exceeded expectations, quickly resolving issues and making improvements. We're impressed with their professionalism, rates, and fast response times. TechCells has been an excellent partner!

DoubleDoor, Nauman Malik
  • United States

    332 South Michigan Ave, Suite 121 #5998, Chicago, IL 60604, United States

    +1 (312) 779-1115

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